
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Introducing Miss Vanessa Van Gogh

The New Addition to the Thomas Estate

Adam and I have discussed for the last couple of months about getting a cat, and we finally took the plunge! After visiting Save A Pet, we couldn't resist adopting this kitty. She was a bit resistant at first about her new home, however she has settled in quite nicely. Adam and Miss Nessa have themselves a routine now.
The Name: After we got Nessa home, we realized that one of her ears was snipped a little at the top. (You can barely tell because her hair sticks up there and covers it up). So Adam came up with the name Van Gogh....naturally he would think of this! I told Adam that the name was too masculine for a girl, so we needed something different. The next morning, he said that her name shall be: Vanessa Van Gogh! I prefer to call her Nessa, Nessie or just V. Adam on the other hand calls her Van.
We have both grown quite fond of the little munchkin!

You can't tell in the photo but she has pretty blue eyes...
Yes...she is spoiled already

I know what you are thinking.....Adam+Responsibility???
In his defense, he is doing really well!

See ya

War Eagle...Hey!

Just a little glimpse of our Auburn football season thus far....

Auburn vs Utah State
We took Taylor to the first game of the season with us, and he really enjoyed himself. The day was a scorcher in the sun, however that didn't stop Taylor from his many trips to the snack bar! It was a close game, but we pulled off a win!

Tiger Walk Banner

Kelli and I (My faithful Auburn fan)
Taylor and I tailgating

My Lil Tiger

Taylor and I enjoying the game
Final Score
Taylor with Nosa Eguae after the game

 Auburn vs Mississippi State
Adam was in Pennsylvania for the weekend of the Mississippi State game, so I decided to join the Strowds' for the game. We had a really fun weekend together and had excellent tickets thanks to Michael!

Tribute to 9/11

Spirit making the landing! (After a little mishap)
Kelli and I sporting our colors

A pose in front of the "Auburn Van"

Final Score
After the win...tailgating!

Our young football team has a lot of learning and experience to accomplish, but I'm still proud to be an Auburn Tiger!  (I prefer not to mention the Clemson and Arkansas games....)

Until next time....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Beginnings

All about TayBug:
Taylor started school in August and is doing really well. Of course the Mom/OCD in me has to stay on him all the time in regards to his homework....but isn't that every boy? (At least that is what I keep telling myself)

First Day of School

Mr. TayBug has also joined the rest of his classmates with getting a nice new mouthpiece that he has to wear. Before we could actually get to this point however, he had to get two teeth pulled. I normally do not tell Taylor when he is getting dental work done because it worries him to death....but against my better judgement, I fell for my Mom's guilty plea and told him the night before his procedure. Boy was that a mistake! My little man woke me up at 4am having anxiety! I comforted him and assured him that everything was going to be fine and that I would never let someone hurt him. After watching some cartoons, he eventually fell back asleep. When he awoke later that morning, he vomited twice before getting to the dentist office. (Nervous tummy). After it was all over, he told me that it was a piece of cake! With my lack of sleep and cranky body....I thought different! On to my original point....he now is the proud owner of a retainer that he has to wear at all times. This retainer is supposed to correct the placement of his upper teeth so that he doesn't have an under bite. Fingers crossed....I hope this works for him!
Taylor is also on a travel ball team now that is keeping he and I both busy! He has really missed playing ball since the Spring and has enjoyed learning the new rules of 'kid-pitch'.  The transition between 'coach-pitch' and 'kid-pitch' is really a challenge, however the kids are really catching on to stealing bases and sliding into base.

Wiregrass Sports Academy 9U

All about ME:
I wasn't sure if I wanted to include this in this post, simply because it is a very special and personal event to me, but here goes....
On the 24th of August, I decided that I wanted to be baptized and join the church. It is something that had been weighing on me pretty hard. I have went to church sporadically my whole life and have always been a believer, however I had never taken the last step to confirm it. When Hayes asked me how I wanted to be baptized, I chose to be dunked in the fountain outside the church. It couldn't have been a better choice. Everything went just as I wanted. My closest friends and family were there to support me, and I can't thank them enough! The following Sunday, Taylor and I joined Covenant Methodist and now have a church that we can call our home.

All about The SISTER:
After two long years, Cindy finished nursing school! (Insert BIG SMILE here). Words can't describe how proud I am of my sister for completing such a hard, time-consuming, tear wrenching task! My Uncle Ray came down for her graduation and was just as excited as we were to have our little Cindy Lou graduated. The only thing missing was our dear sweet Nini....she would have been SO proud of her granddaughter, however I know she was looking down from Heaven with that sweet, sweet smile of hers.

Uncle Ray and Cindy

Me and The Sister

Taylor and Cindy
Taylor was excited for his Aunt Cindy
Taylor and Uncle Ray enjoying some Japanese food.
I have never been a person that adapts to change very well, but these new beginnings....I can handle.  :)

Living it up in Atlanta

Since I haven't had time lately to blog about our adventures, I figured I would catch you up on everything. First of all we took a trip with 'The Strowds' to Atlanta. Our trip was fun-filled as it always is with them. We started off by going to one of Michael's favorite little pubs, Taco Mac. 

My Dearest Kelli

Adam & I

Who could forget 'The Strowd'

Adam made reservations for us to attend a mystery dinner theatre that evening, so we rushed to our hotel to change clothes in order to make our arrival time. One thing that we neglected to realize was that the GPS took us to the WRONG Hilton! So with little time, we changed our clothes in the 'Ladies Room'! We arrived at Agatha's just in time to meet with the crew and discover that we actually had parts in the play....AND I had the biggest role of our table! I was nervous and excited all at the same time. I tried to switch seats with Kelli and put the load on her, but she insisted that I keep my role! (Probably so that she could laugh hysterically at me.)
All in all, we had a really good time and enjoyed the play. Below you will catch a little clip of my part:

Something had us tickled.

Amazing Cast!

The next day we met with some friends of The Strowds' and entertained ourselves with the Braves/Cubs game. It was a VERY HOT day in Atlanta, but luckily we had club-level seats and could go inside to cool off until the sun went down a little to give us shade. The Cubs pulled off a win which made Michael a very happy guy!

Brave's Mascot

Final Score

Every trip with our dear friends is an adventure and we always look forward to more!